The Lion's Den

How Do I Find Influencers In My Area?

Influencer Search Tool
how do i find influencers in my area

Working with local influencers is an ideal way to tap into your target market and promote your business. These influencers already operate in your area and have connections with the consumers you’re hoping to reach with your campaigns. 

The tricky part of running influencer marketing campaigns with local influencers is often finding those influencers in the first place. It may sound counterintuitive, but identifying influencers who are specific to your region can be challenging. An influencer search tool is often the best way to find local influencers. Let’s get into how it works.  

How Do I Find Influencers In A Specific Area?

There are a few ways to find influencers based in a specific area. One option is to conduct a manual search on social media using location markers and hashtags. For example, you could search “New York City” in any social media’s built-in search tool to try and find NYC-based influencers. Unfortunately, there are a few problems with this approach. For one thing, it’s time-consuming and tedious to scroll through many results just for a chance to find a few promising influencers. You’ll get lots of results from accounts that aren’t influencers and some from influencers who don’t actually operate in NYC.

So what’s the better option? Instead of draining productivity on manual searches, turn to a tool specifically designed to help you find influencers for your brand. An influencer search tool allows you to input the qualities you want in your influencer partners, such as operating in a certain location. Simply input your location, and the tool will filter the results so you see a list of local influencers. 

How Do I Find Local Influencers On TikTok?

TikTok is the hot social media platform of the moment, especially with younger demographics. Unsurprisingly, many brands are interested in running influencer marketing campaigns on the platform, particularly using local influencers. 

Going the manual search route is certainly an option on TikTok, but it has all the same drawbacks as on any other social media platform. Using an influencer search tool is likely still the better option for brands interested in TikTok influencer marketing campaigns. Open up your search tool of choice and filter results by area and social media platform. Choose your location and TikTok to find TikTok influencers near you specifically. 

How Do I Find Influencers In My Area On Instagram?

The approach to finding local influencers on Instagram is similar. You can still use a manual search on the platform or even input terms like “Instagram influencers near me” into a general search engine. In all likelihood, these methods won’t yield the best results, though. At least, not quickly.

Using an influencer search tool is much more efficient and effective for finding local influencers on Instagram. Filter results to only show influencers operating on Instagram who are based in your geographic area. Then, start sorting through those results based on the other important qualities for your brand.  

How Do I Find Influencers In My Niche?

The first step to finding influencers in your niche is determining your brand’s niche. The niches on social media can be very broad or very narrow, so you’ll have to find the one that best encompasses your target market. Some examples of influencer niches include:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Travel
  • Cooking
  • Business and Finance
  • Gaming
  • Fashion
  • Family and Parenting

Once you know your niche, you can start searching for influencers who are also in that niche on social media. Use these phrases as search terms or filter by influencer niche while using an influencer search tool. 

How Do I Find Local Fitness Influencers?

If you’re looking for local influencers in a specific niche, such as health and fitness, you should follow the same steps for locating influencers near you. Then, filter those results of local influencers by niche. 

For a manual search, try combining location-specific keywords or hashtags with keywords related to your company’s niche. You might search #fitness and #Philadelphia to find fitness influencers in the Philadelphia area, for example. The results from these manual searches aren’t comprehensive, but they may provide a jumping-off point to help you find the influencers you’re looking for. 

Unsurprisingly, the easier option is still to use an influencer search tool or platform. With these influencer tracking tools, you filter by location and niche, so you’ll only see local influencers operating in your niche of interest. Make sure to choose filters that aren’t too narrow. Otherwise, you may not get many results to choose from. 

Lionize Helps You Find Local Influencers

Don’t waste precious time scouring social media for local influencer partners. Instead, use Lionize—an AI-powered influencer marketing platform with a built-in influencer search tool. You set the parameters on the qualities you want your influencer partners to have, and Lionize returns a list of qualified influencers who want to work with your brand. It’s that easy. 

Learn more by getting in touch with our expert team.