Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a popular buzzword in the marketing industry today, and for a good reason, because it is effective. However, not everyone knows what influencer marketing is or how it can be implemented as a successful marketing strategy. Here we will cover everything about influencer marketing, its benefits, and ways you can use it for marketing products or services.


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What is Lionize?

Lionize helps brands and agencies unlock the full potential of Influencer Marketing. Our A to Z solution manages every aspect of the Influencer Marketing process for you. With our software, you will save time and money while improving results. Our AI powered tech manages the entire partnership lifecycle for you within one easy-to-use platform. 

Influencer Marketing. Simplified.


1. Recruitment

Kickoff the Lionize recruitment process by defining your strategy.

The first step is figuring out what type of Influencers will tell your story best. With Lionize, you’ll find authentic and unique partners that fit your brand. Our proprietary search engine identifies talent from the entire world of social media based on an ideal Influencer profile you’ll create with the help of your Account Manager.

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2. Selection

Once your program goes live, Influencers will apply and enter a selection queue available on your dashboard.

At this stage, Lionize becomes a ‘digital match-maker.’ Much like a dating app, you’ll be presented with a list of targeted Creators that fit your parameters and want to work with you. You’ll approve and deny based on who you feel is the best fit. These selection decisions are under your complete control. 

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influencer marketing platform reporting
influencer marketer accounts

3. Management

As you select your desired partners on a rolling basis, Lionize activates and manages them for you!

Lionize manages the status of each relationship on your behalf through its automated communication and reminder system. No more juggling hundreds of emails back and forth or messy tracking in spreadsheets.

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4. Reporting

Finally, you can just sit back and enjoy watching your team of Influencers promote your brand. Tracking, reporting, payment, reactivation – Lionize handles it all.

On your Lionize dashboard, you’ll be able to track your top performers and all post activity. We share a wide variety of data and metrics behind each piece of content created by your Influencers including engagement and reach.Want to repurpose these posts for other digital efforts? No problem, we make it easy to export all of your campaign data and UGC.

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influencer marketing dashboard

Influencer Marketing In 2024

Influencer marketing is a popular buzzword in the marketing world today for good reason. It has a high average ROI. However, not everyone knows what influencer marketing is or how it can be implemented as a successful marketing strategy. Let’s look at what it takes to successfully work with influencers.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing where a brand works with a social media influencer to promote products and services. When done right, influencer marketing is valuable for the influencer, the influencer’s community, and the brand promoting the product or service. 

What Is Influencer Marketing?

How Does Influencer Marketing Benefit Brands?

Influencer marketing will help drive sales, which is one of the main benefits of this type of marketing. However, it also does much more than that, which makes it stand out from other forms of promotion that your brand could use. When an influencer strategy is implemented correctly, it helps build a sense of community around a brand and its products or services. Benefits of influencer marketing for brands include:

  • Reach: This type of marketing will significantly increase your brand’s reach to communities within your specific niche or industry. This helps get more attention on your products or services and more traffic to your website or social media accounts. 
  • Decrease clutter: General social media marketing, where you pay for sponsored posts to show up in someone’s social feed, is cluttered with many other brands using the same strategy. Influencer marketing helps remove your brand from the clutter and creates a more personal approach, since the promotion comes from someone’s favorite influencer. 
  • Brand authenticity: Influencer marketing makes your ads feel more authentic and natural. This is because it involves a collaboration between the influencer and the brand to create unique content and promotions that blend the company’s style with the influencer’s personal brand and community. 
  • Trust: Consumers see influencer promotions as more trustworthy than normal advertisements. People follow influencers because they are like themselves or who they aspire to be. They share similar values, interests, or goals. When an influencer makes a recommendation, it feels more trustworthy than an ad.
  • Engagement: Product promotions from influencers are more engaging than traditional advertisements because they can be personalized to the influencer’s community. This makes ads feel more organic and drives higher engagement.

As you can see, influencer marketing has many benefits for brands who use it as part of their marketing strategy. It’s an excellent way to promote your products or services in a way that feels natural to your target audience. 

How Does Influencer Marketing Benefit Influencers?

The main benefit for influencers to promote a brand’s products or services is that they will get paid. However, besides direct monetary compensation for the promotion, it can also benefit the influencer in other ways. The benefits of influencer marketing for the influencer are:

  • Promote something you believe in: Marketing products or services doesn’t have to be a simple transaction for payment. You can use it to promote something you genuinely believe in that will benefit your audience. This is when it becomes more than advertising and helps you form a connection with your audience.
  • New content: Everyone who posts social content can struggle with new content ideas at times. You can use a product or service promotion as an opportunity to switch things up and create content that you wouldn’t have thought about otherwise. 
  • Boost follower count: Brands promoting through influencers will likely have a significant following on social media and may interact with your promotional content. When you mention a brand in your content, it opens up your communities to one another, which builds follower counts for both sides. 
  • Find new products or services you love: If you join an influencer marketing platform to find or receive offers about products or services you can promote, it opens up the opportunity to find products or services you love using. If you love using the product or service, it will make your promotions effective, since they will be genuine. 

Influencer marketing can benefit influencers in many ways and can be a fun way to create new content and get paid in the process. 

How Does Influencer Marketing Benefit Consumers?

Influencer marketing does benefit consumers. While it is intended to boost sales, it doesn’t have to be a straight-up transactional process of trying to get someone to click a link and spend their hard-earned money. Well-rounded influencer marketing strategies aim to create a connection with social media users and make them feel valued, all while providing products or services that will benefit them. The benefits of influencer marketing for consumers are:

  • Build a connection: Influencer marketing helps you build a connection with the company before making a purchase. It’s the social aspect of social media marketing that enables you to connect and engage, so you feel a sense of trust before you buy. 
  • Be introduced to beneficial products or services: Influencer marketing should aim to promote valuable products or services to a specific audience. An influencer promotion could introduce you to something new you’ve never heard of, or it might change your perception of something you thought you would never use. 
  • Learn before buying: Influencers should use a product or service before promoting it. This leads to an influencer promotion being more than just an ad but a review of a product or service that shows how it can benefit someone. This provides the consumer with easily-digestible information to make an informed purchasing decision. 
  • Support content creators: Buying something recommended by your favorite influencer provides a new way to monetarily support them while purchasing a product that will benefit your life. It becomes a win-win for everyone involved. 

Done well, consumer-minded influencer marketing can benefit everyone involved. 

What Are The Types of Influencer Marketing?

Understanding the types of influencer marketing is crucial for brands and marketing agencies looking to implement successful campaigns. Influencer marketing can take various forms depending on the goals, target audience, and strategies of the brand. Here are some key types to consider:

1. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is the most common type of influencer marketing. Brands pay influencers to create and share content about their products or services. This could be in the form of a social media post, blog article, or video. The key is that the content feels authentic and fits naturally within the influencer’s usual posts.

2. Product Reviews

In this type, influencers are given products or services to try and review. Their feedback, whether in the form of a blog post, video review, or social media post, can help build trust and credibility with their audience. Honest reviews from trusted influencers can significantly impact purchasing decisions.

3. Social Media Takeovers

Brands allow influencers to “take over” their social media accounts for a set period. This can be a day or even just a few hours. The influencer engages with the brand’s audience, sharing content, stories, and live sessions. This type of collaboration allows for fresh content and gives the brand’s followers a new perspective.

4. Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, influencers share a unique link or code with their audience, which they can use to purchase the brand’s products or services. The influencer earns a commission for each sale made through their link. This type aligns influencers’ incentives with the brand’s success, encouraging genuine promotion.

5. Contests and Giveaways

Influencers host contests or giveaways in collaboration with a brand. These activities create excitement and engagement among their followers. Participants may be required to follow the brand, share the post, or tag friends, thereby increasing the brand’s visibility and reach.

6. Brand Ambassadors

Long-term partnerships between influencers and brands are called brand ambassadorships. Influencers become the face of the brand, regularly promoting products and services over an extended period. These partnerships are highly beneficial for building strong, consistent brand recognition.

By understanding these different types of influencer marketing, brands and agencies can create more targeted, effective campaigns that resonate with their audience. Lionize can help streamline this process, ensuring each collaboration is tailored to meet your marketing goals.

How to do Influencer Marketing?

Implementing influencer marketing effectively can revolutionize your brand’s reach and engagement. To help you navigate this dynamic marketing strategy, we’ve broken down the process into manageable steps.

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Budget

Before diving into influencer marketing, clearly define your goals. Are you looking to boost brand awareness, increase sales, or grow your social media following? Your goals will dictate the type of influencers you need, the platforms to focus on, and the content strategy. Additionally, establish a budget to ensure you can realistically achieve these goals.

Step 2: Identify the Right Influencers

Finding the perfect influencers to represent your brand is crucial. Use tools like Lionize to search for influencers whose audience aligns with your target market. Consider factors like follower count, engagement rates, content style, and past collaborations. Don’t just focus on mega-influencers; nano and micro-influencers often have highly engaged communities that can offer great ROI.

Influencer Tiers

  • Nano Influencers (1,000-10,000 followers): Ideal for niche markets due to their close-knit communities.
  • Micro Influencers (10,000-100,000 followers): They offer a balance between reach and engagement, making them cost-effective options.
  • Macro Influencers (100,000-1,000,000 followers): Suitable for larger reach and more comprehensive campaigns.
  • Mega Influencers (1,000,000+ followers): Best for widespread awareness but often come with high costs.

Step 3: Create Compelling Campaigns

Once you’ve identified suitable influencers, work with them to create content that resonates with their audience while aligning with your brand’s message. Encourage creative freedom to ensure the content feels authentic. Whether it’s product reviews, unboxing videos, tutorials, or giveaways, make sure the content adds value to viewers.

Step 4: Manage and Monitor Campaigns

Use platforms like Lionize to manage influencer partnerships from initiation to execution. Track key metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Automated tools can help you stay organized, keeping track of deadlines, payments, and deliverables.

Step 5: Analyze and Optimize

After your campaign concludes, analyze the data to evaluate its success. Look at metrics like ROI, brand sentiment, and the quality of user-generated content. Use these insights to refine future campaigns, making necessary adjustments to strategy, influencer selection, or content type.

By following these steps, your brand can leverage the power of influencer marketing to achieve meaningful and measurable outcomes. Remember, the key to success lies in strategic planning, authentic partnerships, and continuous optimization.

Who Are Social Media Influencers?

Social media influencers are people who create content, from blogs to videos to photographs, that is relevant to their audience. This content builds them a following, also known as a “sphere of influence.” These are the people that you, as a brand, will partner with to create content. 

Many of these digital content creators have established their own niche. Some are lifestyle influencers or bloggers, some are gamers or streamers, and some are just interested in a specific topic. While most have a principal platform where they are most popular, many create content across social media platforms to expand their audience reach.

Social media influencers have impacted society more than we can currently tell. While brands are still using more traditional advertising methods such as radio ads, TV commercials, and outdoor billboards, more modern tactics are beginning to take hold. 

A few popular social media influencers include:

How Influencers Are Used in Marketing?

Influencer marketing differs from other types of advertising because the influencers operate independently. Influencer promotions allow the influencer to create their brand of content and integrate a company’s advertising specifications into it. This makes influencer ads feel more authentic while still leading to increased brand awareness for potential customers.

Social Media Influencer Marketing Examples

Influencers can create different types of advertisements, which can make a difference in how the brand is promoted. The following section will provide examples of social media influencer marketing and how you can use it effectively. 

Example #1 – Women’s Fitness Clothing Brand

This first example will show how a women’s fitness clothing brand could implement working with influencers to promote its products. 

The first thing the company would want to do is think about its target audience and influencers who are the best fit for its brand. For example, this clothing brand may decide that its target audience is women who partake in CrossFit training. The brand can then target female fitness influencers who do CrossFit workouts. An influencer marketing tool such as Lionize’s artificial intelligence software can help you find influencers in the exact niche that fits your needs. 

Once you have found influencers you would like to work with, they can integrate promotions within their content in various ways. For a fitness clothing brand, it could be influencers posting videos or photos of themselves working out while wearing your brand of clothing. A product review video talking about the benefits and features of the clothing for CrossFit workouts could also be a successful form of influencer promotion. The influencers could then link back to company web pages, where their followers can buy the clothing for themselves. 

Example #2 – Travel Service

Social media influencer marketing can also be used to promote a service business, such as a travel service. An example could be a travel service that helps book flights, hotel rooms, and plan itineraries all in one spot. 

The travel service could target travel influencers, photographers, or vloggers who are constantly on the go. The influencers they choose to work with could then use the travel service to book their next trip and integrate a promotion talking about their experience with the service while they are traveling. 

This would be an effective promotion because it would show the influencer’s audience how the service can be used effectively while also benefiting the influencer by helping them plan their next trip efficiently. 

What Are the Four Types of Influencers?

Different types of influencers can be used for social marketing campaigns. The different types of influencers are based on specific follower counts. The four main types of influencers are:

  • Nano influencers (1,000-10,000 followers)
  • Micro influencers (10,000-100,000 followers)
  • Macro influencers (100,000-1,000,000 followers)
  • Mega or celebrity influencers (1,000,000+ followers)

Some types of influencers can be better suited for marketing certain products and company sizes than others. 

Nano Influencers

Nano influencers have smaller social media followings, between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. While nano influencers aren’t what people usually think about when they hear the term influencer marketing, having nano influencers promote your products or services can be an effective strategy.

Those with small followings still influence the people who follow them. At times, nano influencers can even have more loyal followers due to the tight-knit community feel of small accounts. Promoting through nano influencers can be effective for smaller companies or those looking to target a loyal fanbase. 

Micro Influencers

Micro influencers with followings between 10,000 and 100,000 are a step up from nano influencers. Like nano influencers, micro influencers stand out because they tend to have more loyal followers who feel engaged and connected with the content creator. This leads to more trust when micro influencers promote products or services. 

Marketing through micro influencers can be a great idea for small to medium companies. Promotions through micro influencers will typically be more cost-effective while still having great results due to the loyalty factor of some of these smaller accounts.

Macro Influencers

Macro influencers with followings between 100,000 and 1,000,000 are a great choice for medium to larger companies. Macro influencers tend to still have good engagement rates, and there is strength in numbers, since they have the potential to reach millions of people with a social media post. This makes macro influencers a valuable asset to an influencer marketing campaign for companies looking to scale their outreach to larger numbers. 

Mega Influencers

Mega influencers who have followings over 1,000,000 are often celebrities. These accounts are valuable brands on their own. Marketing through mega influencers is a great idea for large companies looking to promote their products or services to the masses through celebrity endorsements. However, promotions through mega influencers can be costly, so this type of influencer probably isn’t the best bet for new companies. 

Which Type of Influencer Marketing Is Best?

No one type of influencer marketing will work best for every company. A company’s size and spending budget can help determine what follower count their ideal influencers will have. 

For many companies, micro influencers or macro influencers will be the best fit, since these types of influencers are more affordable while still providing good reach. Micro influencers are trending and increasingly getting more promotional offers from companies because of their affordability and the loyalty of their followers. That said, nano influencer and mega influencer promotions are still effective for the right companies. 

Is Influencer Marketing Effective In 2024?

Influencer marketing is effective in 2024. It is growing in effectiveness, with more brands than ever recognizing its potential and investing in influencer campaigns. Billions of people have active social media accounts, so it is safe to say that influencer and social media marketing are extremely relevant. If your company has not yet tried influencer marketing, now is the perfect time to start. 

Social Media Influencer Marketing Statistics

Social media influencer marketing statistics also show how effective this form of marketing is. The market for influencer promotions has been growing exponentially in recent years and isn’t expected to slow down now. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, the influencer marketing industry reached $16.4 billion in 2022.

93% of marketers say they have used influencer marketing as part of their marketing strategy

Along with the industry’s size, influencer marketing is also becoming widely used, with research showing that 93% of marketers say they have used this type of marketing as part of their marketing strategy. Such a high percentage of marketers are taking advantage of working with influencers because it is so effective.

What Is an Influencer Marketing Tool?

An influencer marketing tool is a type of software that helps brands find and make deals with influencers in their niche or industry. These tools are designed to help make finding and reaching out to influencers easier. They act as a database where you will have all the needed information available at your fingertips, so you can choose influencers who will best represent your brand. Once you begin an influencer campaign, these tools can also track how well each influencer’s promotions are performing, so you can optimize as you go. These tools make influencer marketing easier for both brands and influencers. 

What Is an Influencer Marketing Platform for Brands?

Influencer marketing platforms and tools are great for brands who want to begin an influencer campaign. They will make the whole process seamless, even if you have little to no experience working with influencers for brand promotion. Influencer marketing software is designed to help you make the best decisions for your personal needs, leading to a high return on investment. 

Should I Use An Influencer Marketing Tool for My Social Media Marketing Agency?

Social media marketing agencies can also take advantage of influencer marketing tools. Rather than having to manage a bunch of influencers for your clients to work with, you can turn to influencer marketing software to make the process much easier. This allows you to find the perfect influencers for each client’s needs and efficiently track and manage the whole process on one platform. 

Can Influencer Marketing Tools Find Influencer Marketing Jobs?

Can Influencer Marketing Tools Find Influencer Marketing Jobs?

Influencer marketing tools are also helpful for influencers looking for brands to work with. These tools will help you connect with the right brands in your niche who are promoting quality products and services. Influencers can then track each brand they are working with to see what their audience responds to best.

How Lionize AI Can Help Your Brand Master Influencer Marketing

Lionize AI is an influencer marketing platform designed to help with all aspects of the influencer promotion process. Our AI software is very intuitive and easy to use, so you can effortlessly track results, manage marketing planning, and optimize as you go, with detailed data points about how your marketing campaign is going. If you’re looking to start an influencer campaign, Lionize AI will provide you with everything you need to make it a success.

And we don’t just provide you with the platform and tools–our experienced influencer marketing agency team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Influencer marketing is an effective marketing strategy, with its popularity increasing exponentially in recent years. When implemented successfully, it can benefit the company, the influencer, and the consumer in many ways. If you’re thinking about how to create an influencer marketing campaign, Book a free Discovery Call today. We’d love to answer your questions.