How to Create an Influencer Marketing Strategy

Setting up an influencer marketing strategy will help you manage all the aspects of your influencer marketing campaign, so you know exactly what to do at each step along the way.

How To Create An Influencer Marketing Strategy

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What Is Lionize?

Lionize helps brands and agencies unlock the full potential of Influencer Marketing. Our A to Z solution manages every aspect of the Influencer Marketing process for you. With our software, you will save time and money while improving results. Our AI powered tech manages the entire partnership lifecycle for you within one easy-to-use platform. 

Influencer Marketing. Simplified.


1. Recruitment

Kickoff the Lionize recruitment process by defining your strategy.

The first step is figuring out what type of Influencers will tell your story best. With Lionize, you’ll find authentic and unique partners that fit your brand. Our proprietary search engine identifies talent from the entire world of social media based on an ideal Influencer profile you’ll create with the help of your Account Manager.

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2. Selection

Once your program goes live, Influencers will apply and enter a selection queue available on your dashboard.

At this stage, Lionize becomes a ‘digital match-maker.’ Much like a dating app, you’ll be presented with a list of targeted Creators that fit your parameters and want to work with you. You’ll approve and deny based on who you feel is the best fit. These selection decisions are under your complete control. 

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influencer marketing platform reporting
influencer marketer accounts

3. Management

As you select your desired partners on a rolling basis, Lionize activates and manages them for you!

Lionize manages the status of each relationship on your behalf through its automated communication and reminder system. No more juggling hundreds of emails back and forth or messy tracking in spreadsheets.

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4. Reporting

Finally, you can just sit back and enjoy watching your team of Influencers promote your brand. Tracking, reporting, payment, reactivation – Lionize handles it all.

On your Lionize dashboard, you’ll be able to track your top performers and all post activity. We share a wide variety of data and metrics behind each piece of content created by your Influencers including engagement and reach.Want to repurpose these posts for other digital efforts? No problem, we make it easy to export all of your campaign data and UGC.

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influencer marketing dashboard

Influencer marketing can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Setting up an influencer marketing strategy will help you manage all the aspects of your influencer marketing campaign, so you know exactly what to do at each step along the way. Let’s dive into strategies for setting up an influencer marketing strategy template

What Are Influencer Marketing Strategies?

Influencer marketing strategies help set up influencer marketing campaigns for success. This includes planning for different aspects of a marketing campaign, such as:

  • Budget
  • Goals 
  • Types of influencers you want to work with
  • Length of the campaign
  • Your brand’s message
  • How you will track progress

Planning an influencer strategy ensures that your marketing campaign targets the right goals for your company’s needs. 

Creating an Influencer Marketing Strategy

When creating an effective influencer marketing strategy, you must consider different aspects of your business and how you would like to promote your products or services. There are steps you can take to create an optimal influencer marketing strategy that is the best fit for your company’s needs. To create an influencer marketing strategy, you should:

  1. Research your target market. One of the first steps you should take when developing an influencer strategy is to research your target market. Knowing your target audience’s wants, needs, values, and demographic data will help you find the right influencers to promote your products.
  2. Set goals. Goals are essential to an influencer strategy, so you know exactly what you want to achieve from your marketing efforts. The best way to set goals for a marketing campaign is to create SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. This creates a detailed outline of what you want to achieve.
  3. Determine brand messaging and voice. Once you know the characteristics of your target audience, you will want to define your brand’s message and voice. Your brand’s voice is crucial to speak to your target audience in an engaging way that makes sense for their specific needs.
  4. Use an influencer marketing platform. Influencer platforms will help you set up and manage your influencer marketing strategy. Lionize’s influencer marketing software can help you connect with influencers, manage influencer promotions, and track valuable data to stay on track with your marketing goals. 
  5. Aim to improve as you go. In marketing, you can always aim to make improvements that make your campaigns more effective. Tracking data through influencer marketing software can show you what areas you could improve upon, so you can optimize your marketing campaigns as you go. 

It can seem daunting to get started with influencer marketing, but it doesn’t have to be. Influencer marketing is incredibly effective and these steps will help you effectively promote your brand through influencers. 

Taking Your Influencer Marketing Strategy to the Next Level

While laying the foundation of a solid influencer marketing strategy sets the stage for success, diving deeper into advanced tactics can elevate your campaigns and foster more meaningful connections with your audience. Let’s explore how to refine your approach and truly take your influencer marketing strategy to the next level.

Identifying the Right Influencers

An essential element of a successful influencer marketing strategy is the careful selection of influencers who not only resonate with your brand but also embody its values and ethos. Beyond just considering the types and numbers of influencers to collaborate with, it’s imperative to identify those who have a genuine affinity for your products or services. This alignment goes beyond mere demographics or follower counts; it’s about finding influencers whose niche, content style, and audience engagement mirror your target market’s characteristics and preferences. When an influencer’s passion for your brand shines through authentically, their endorsements become more convincing, thereby amplifying your message’s impact and authenticity.

Engagement and Relationship Building

The strength of your influencer marketing efforts lies not just in the initial collaboration but in the enduring relationships you build with your influencers. Engaging with influencers shouldn’t be a one-off interaction; it requires ongoing communication, support for their content, and recognition of their contributions to your brand’s narrative. By actively nurturing these relationships, you create a network of loyal influencers who are not just promoters but genuine advocates for your brand. Regular check-ins, offering exclusive insights or products for them to review, and public appreciation of their work are just a few ways to maintain a positive and productive relationship with your influencers.

Monitor and Measure Performance

While setting key performance indicators (KPIs) is a critical first step in tracking the success of your influencer marketing campaigns, ongoing monitoring and analysis of the influencer’s content and its performance are equally important. Ensure that the content produced by influencers remains aligned with your brand image and messaging. Regularly review engagement rates, reach, conversions, and other relevant metrics to gauge the effectiveness of each influencer partnership. This data-driven approach allows you to identify high-performing strategies and areas for improvement, enabling you to refine and optimize future campaigns for even better results.

Long-Term Strategies

While short-term collaborations can generate buzz and meet immediate marketing objectives, integrating long-term partnerships into your influencer marketing strategy can have a profound impact on brand loyalty and audience perception. Establishing ongoing relationships with key influencers allows for a more organic integration of your brand into their content narrative. This continuity not only strengthens the credibility of their endorsements but also fosters a deeper connection between their audience and your brand. Consider developing ambassador programs or long-term content partnerships that align with both your marketing goals and the influencers’ personal brands to maximize the benefits of these relationships.

By focusing on these advanced strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your influencer marketing efforts, building more authentic connections, driving better results, and ultimately elevating your brand’s presence in the digital landscape.

What Are the Top Five Tips for Implementing Influencer Marketing?

When implementing an influencer marketing campaign, you should consider certain aspects to ensure your marketing strategy is successful. The top five tips for implementing influencer marketing are:

  1. Determine the right social media platforms for your branded promotions.
  2. Find the right content creators for your brand’s message.
  3. Give influencers some creative freedom.
  4. Aim for authenticity in your promotions.
  5. Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your campaign’s success.

Let’s look at each of these tips a little more closely.

Determine the Right Social Media Platforms 

Different social media platforms involve different types of content and different demographics. Understanding your target audience and what you want your branded promotions to look like will help you determine which social media platforms will be right for your company’s needs. 

  • YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are great options for creating video content.
  • Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are great for photo content or high-quality imagery.
  • X (formerly Twitter) is great for short text-based content.

Once you choose a platform, you can select content creators from that platform who will be the right fit for your brand’s message. 

Find the Right Content Creators for Your Brand’s Message

To reach the right audience that will benefit from your products or services, you must choose the right content creators for your influencer promotions. The influencer you choose to collaborate with will be an extension of your brand, so you must think about personality traits, lifestyles, and types of content that would best portray your brand’s image. 

‍Lionize’s influencer marketing platform can help you find and connect with the right content creators. Our software is designed to help you get detailed matches with influencers in your industry.  

Give Influencers Some Creative Freedom

A great thing you can do for your influencer marketing campaign is to give the influencers you are working with creative freedom. If you go through the steps to choose the right influencers, you should be able to trust that they will portray your product or service in an effective way to their audience. Influencers also know more about their audience members than you do, so allowing them creative freedom will help them speak to their audience’s needs in a more effective way. 

Aim for Authenticity in Your Promotions

Consumers are more likely to purchase through influencer marketing when it feels authentic. Choosing content creators who genuinely love your products can be a great way to make your influencer promotions authentic. Influencers who love your products will explain them more effectively, encouraging their audiences to make a purchase.

Determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 

To effectively track and manage the goals of your campaign, you must determine key performance indicators you would like to track and improve. KPIs can differ for different marketing goals. 

For example, brand awareness campaigns will have different goals from lead generation campaigns. Brand awareness would be more focused on reach, social shares, and brand name mentions. Lead generation would be focused on the number of leads generated, cost per acquisition, and referral traffic. 

There are several KPIs that you could focus on for influencer marketing. Common KPIs include:

  • Conversions and sales
  • Web traffic
  • New social media followers
  • Influencer post volume
  • Engagements by post type
  • Post link clicks
  • Average engagement rate.

Tracking and optimizing for KPIs that fit your brand’s needs will lead to increased influencer marketing success. 

What Are the 5 Characteristics of a Good Influencer?

As mentioned earlier, finding the right influencers for your marketing promotions is essential. Finding influencers who are in the right niche, love your products, and post the right type of content is the first step. However, there is more to finding the right influencers. Finding good influencers is about their interactions with their audiences and the quality of the content they provide. The top 5 characteristics of a good influencer are:

  • Genuine: A good influencer is genuine and truthful with their audience. They are someone who their followers feel they can relate to and trust. Looking for genuine influencers will lead to more successful promotions since they will only promote products they truly believe are effective. 
  • Quality of content: Good influencers create content that their followers love. The quality of content is important for influencer marketing, so your product or service is portrayed as something of value. This makes it important to find influencers with the skills to create a great branded promotion and integrate it into their content effectively. 
  • Relationship with their community: Good influencers have a positive relationship with their community. Influencers who consider community feedback, get their followers involved, or interact with followers in the comment section are a good choice to garner community engagement for your product. 
  • Trust: Good influencers are figures their audiences can trust. You should ensure that influencers who promote your products have a positive history of trust and reliability. This ensures your brand and products will be portrayed in the right light. 
  • Passion: Influencers who have a passion for the content they create will stand out. Passionate influencers put effort into everything they do and are more likely to have unique content that stands out. As a result, looking for passionate influencers will provide you with higher-quality branded promotions.

If you look for each of these qualities in the influencers you work with, you will have more successful influencer marketing campaigns. 

Let Lionize Help You Create The Perfect Influencer Marketing Strategy

Getting started with influencer marketing can seem intimidating, especially if you have never done it before. However, implementing the right strategies will make setting up and managing your influencer campaigns much easier. Researching your target audience, choosing the right influencers, and planning your marketing goals will help you create a solid influencer strategy that leads to success. 

If you would like additional help setting up your influencer marketing campaign, Lionize can help. Lionize is an influencer marketing platform designed to help you find the right influencers to work with, simplify running influencer campaigns, and track important performance metrics as you go. Contact us to Book a Discovery call today to see how our influencer marketing tool can help your organization. We would love to hear from you.