The Lion's Den

The Lion’s Den: 2022 Influencer Marketing Trends

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One thing that is certain in life is change, and influencer marketing trends are no exception. With the impact of the pandemic and the gradual adjustment into post-pandemic, industries began moving entirely to online operations, capitalizing on influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is already big, and it’s just going to become bigger this 2022.

The ability to convert “likes” and hearts into cash is now a sought after skill. Influencers are no longer a rare breed in company marketing, although their involvement in brand awareness is still a soft ground. This year will bring trends and new practices in the field. If we look at the statistics for 2021, it can be expected that by 2022 the industry will acquire a value of 15 billion dollars.

With influencer marketing taking such a leading role, it’s essential to categorize the trends to look out for in 2022. First, it should be clear that even though these are predicted key influencer marketing trends for 2022, as a brand owner, you have full reign in deciding what exactly works for you. 

Nano and micro-influencers will gain more relevance

Niche profiles, such as nano and micro-influencers gained some form of profitable recognition last year, thanks to their communities and influence. However, 2022 will see more of this traction towards these niche influencers as they’re beginning to be more attractive to brands. The creativity of their content, authenticity. and the low activation costs are also a good reason for this.

This trend is going to be a win-win situation or a beneficial collaboration to both because while influencers would be getting partnerships and increasing clientele lists, brands, on the other hand, would be able to maximize their social media marketing strategy with a decent budget. Real people, authentic content, and relatable experiences.

Renewed focus on diversity and inclusion 

When it comes to using influencer marketing in 2022, a lot of focus is going to be placed on inclusion and diversity. Most brands are aware that their products are used by several types of people with varying identities and nationalities, so influencers to showcase this diversity in 2022 is a powerful move to make these users feel seen and heard.

When it comes to inclusivity on social media, what is said and what isn’t said often sets the tone. Influencers and brands have a one-of-a-kind chance to contribute to internet diversity and equality. As a result of the variety, those participating tend to provide a more well-rounded perspective of a certain subject, problem, or method. While diversity is important, inclusion elevates a brand’s identity.

Influencers will be a crucial partner in scaling many affiliate programs

Most affiliates used to be traditional bloggers or publishers —they would provide product demonstrations, walkthroughs, and reviews on their websites. More so, they routinely marketed a variety of affiliate programs, some of which competed with one another, to increase their chances of collecting referral money from a bigger audience. However, we’re now seeing a change; brands are turning to influencers now, mainly because of their authenticity. 

Social media Influencers are increasingly promoting products to their audience, but only ones they use or believe in. Brands are always looking for ways to boost their return on investment and ensure that their marketing campaigns are profitable. And influencers with their large following and authenticity can effectively scale brands’ affiliate marketing. This means that in 2022, more brands will incorporate Influencers into their affiliate marketing strategy.

Long-term partnerships over one-time projects

In 2022, organizations and influencers are more likely to work on long-term initiatives rather than one-time sponsored postings. The reasons for this shift are numerous, but they all narrow down to one thing: selling takes time. Even the most dedicated influencers will struggle to make a meaningful effect when commissioned for a single sponsored article.

If you want to profit from the influencer marketing trend, we recommend creating packages that you can sell to companies who are seeking your skills. These packages should include a variety of sponsored posts that are spread out over time, similar to what they would do with Facebook ads or ads on other platforms.

Professionalization of the Industry

Another influencer marketing trend we’ll see is professionalization. The industry is gradually evolving and specialization is becoming a thing. Influencers will no longer be seen as just content creators but professionals with proven expertise and market influence. This specialization would make collaborations more aligned in values and goals for both parties.

So, for brands, it’s time to seek after influencers that are niched to your audience or market. And as an influencer, you might want to consider what industries you want to specialize in and start strategizing for partnerships with brands in such industries.

A Trend That is Here to Stay 

2022 is already looking like an excellent year for influencer marketing —a trend that is here to stay. Don’t be left behind! With a generation that is mostly influenced by social media and the internet as a whole, it’s only natural for firms to engage extensively in influencer marketing in 2022 while experimenting with any of the trends listed above.